If competitive Quotations from Planners/Designers vary considerably then this could be a reason...
At this present time with everyone being very much aware of the costs of things, when looking to complete building work on your property you need to be aware, even if it is internal Structural work to make your space more ‘Open Plan’, or to change the internal configuration of the layout, or if it is work to add on extra space, you will almost always require Building Regulations documentation.
At Parkers Design we have found a common trait is that when people are getting their Design and Planning quotes in the first instance, it is common practice for these quotes only to undertake the work as far as Local Authority Planning Approval. Thus, the quotation you are getting perhaps looks ‘cheap’ on the face of it. That is until you find out, once Planning Approval is received from the Local Authority, that you then have to pay an additional fee to your original Designer/Architect for the Building Regulations documentation (and that’s if they even agree to provide this element of the service). At Parkers Design our quote covers all of the documentation you will need to take you from the Design concept phase through to Planning Approval and Building Regulations documentation required for both your Builder and Building Control.
Occasionally, if Planning Permission is not required (i.e. it is only internal work) people cut corners and think it is not necessary to get the Building Regulations documentation submitted to Building Control, who will then need this to certify the work. However, you can be sure if/when you come to sell the property at some point in the future, the interested buyers will require this certification to ensure that any works that have been done to the property, meet the current regulations. Getting this done retrospectively is much harder and more complicated than doing it at the beginning in the correct order of work. It will definitely delay your sale and thus possibly lose your potential buyer, whilst you try and get this sorted out.
Come to Parkers Design for the full service!